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All the latest news from Surfrider Europe

Raphaël supports Surfrider’s Ocean Initiatives.

« I’ve been a Surfrider supporter for many years for two reasons: the first reason is that our coastline is essential for the current generation and the coming ones; it’s obviously a worthy cause to me. People like me who have the opportunity to enjoy it all year long cannot ignore the disasters caused by multi-source pollutions.

The second reason is that the Surfrider family is a group of highly motivated and passionate people. They are present on all fronts and their day-to-day devotion has no limit. Water quality analysis, youth education, waste clean-ups, events management like Ocean Initiatives or Beach Days, national and European lobbying… My commitment is so small compared to the amount of work these people produce. You too, help them before it’s too late! »

crédit photo | Manu Morel